she wasn’t scared of the dark
-yeah though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death
-i will fear no evil
but she told him to keep the lights on
he didn’t understand
but he never thought he would be here
so easily he said yes
she knew that they weren’t alone
-for thou art with me
-thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
she sought comfort in the wrong places
she knew his situation
knew that he watched her
she knew that secretly he lusted after her in intense moments
and it was in those moments that she sat on the front pew
seductively licking her lips
it was in those moments that she held his hand during alter prayer
and handed him a note that only said today
it was in those moments that she planned this moment
it was in those moments that she thought of being here
-thou preparest a table before me
he placed her against the offering table
and slid his hands up her thigh
as he caresses her softest spots he could feel her heart beat
-my cup runneth over
they began to make passion
desecrating all that is sacred
they moved from the offering table to the pew
to the choir stand
to the pulpit
he placed her on the alter
and offered her as his sacrifice
-surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
she said follow me
he never thought that he would be here
so her every move he followed
and as they continued to become one
he slowly began to crucify his conscious
he cried
and she never notice the tears rolling down his face
he cried
and she never opened her eyes
he cried
and just before he exhaled
he stopped and cried
-eli, eli, lama sabachthani
-that is my god, my god why have you forsaken me
and just as adam cried he cried
-the woman you gave to be with me
and as he fell to his knees and tried to pray
-our father
the words fell from his heart untrue
-lead us not
and he cried
he cried
-and ever
quiet da artist/copyright 2005)