
11:11:11 AM

11:11 AM
and my first thought is


immediately my second thought is

they lied

the american journal for positive thinking said it took 11 weeks to get over someone

but it's been

2 years

actually it has been 2 years 3 months 13 days and 6 hours

but who's
keeping count

i find myself seeking reasons to calls you but then i dont call you because

the last time that we spoke

your voice
sounded like distance
your words sounded like the elongated pause after a statement of declaration
your heart
packed all of its emotion into the backseat until it couldnt see out of the rear window

and then you
drove away without ever looking back

i asked how you had been
and you said
you were doing fine
and i believed you

your words
sounded like the scars on your heart had healed
and you were better

you had driven
light years past us
past me
past the bullshit
and pain

you were gone
and i

i was better

i had found peace in myself
and learned to let go of my regret
but i regret

not calling when i should
not following through on my hearts promise
not listening to the screams of my soul

i regret not making you my forever

so i guess that forever
when i notice that its 11:11 AM

my first thought
will forever be you


Genesis 1:3

and god said let there be light... #thelightyears