i said hello
as the phone disturbed my slumber
interrupting delicate thoughts that would later elude my memories
she was
on the other end
whispering words that caused me to strain for silence
"im up" i said as i wondered what importance was she holding
that made her think i should be awaken
she asked if i was alone
but she knew that i was
because that is how she left me
my mind still fighting to grasp reality
i asked
"what are you doing"
and before the words fell to the floor
she said
came home and couldnt control myself thoughts of us ran wild through my mind leaving me wanting what i had just let go so as i barely made it past the door i laid across the couch and
im touching myself
i began to imagine your hands removing the blouse you just helped me put on
but you moved too slow
so with the force of a goddess
i sent buttons flying across the room like pegasus
i pressed my back against couch cushions as if your weight lay against my chest
and i slid my fingers past my thighs
and then
i realized
i wanted you here
i needed you here
your voice excites me like prophetic preachers standing in the pulpits proclaiming the prophesy
your words tingle my soul
your aroma entices me
and i know that it isnt just lust with us
it is a much deeper emotion
and i
really, really, really, need you to
talk me though
guide my way
lead me to the path of passion
lay me down
restore my soul
help me sleep through the night
(?uiet da artist/copyright 2008)
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