i fall apart
thoughts of you
ravage my mind like a pack of wild dogs
and i
try to remember the good times
when love was love and we stood in the midst of it
but now
stand on seperate ends of the spectrum looking at two different outcomes
staying together would have been so easy
had i not shattered like dropped glass
but i
fall apart
laying here feeling as if my soul has been left for dead
decisions that seemed so right at the time
now look like a fools paradise
and i
find myself walking in desolation
my soul begins to feel the weight of the sun
and the faster i walk
the stronger the wind presses against my sail
when we were us
i felt as if i was flying
but falling sometimes has the same feeling
so when i crashed
i shattered
and now i
stand under the pressures of my own existance
and in the distance i see my salvation
but as i get closer
i realize that it is only a hallucination of an oasis for my desolate soul
fall apart
and the pieces are not easily put back together again
i am broken to the core
and even the mere thought of you
unhinges the idea of my soul ever being whole again...
(?uiet da artist/copyright 2009)
1 comment:
Close your eyes and inhale Meeeeee... Let me mend your heart! I love you forever
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