
12:30 AM : #thelightyears

they say it it darkest
just before the light
but nightfall seemed to come so early
and the sun
no longer shines here

i stand
holding more broken hearts than fulfilled promises
asking god if she
would ever be able to forgive me

i wrote down every lie that i ever told
on the backs of bible pages
then set each of them on fire

no more telling myself that i will do better the next time

this time
is the only time that matters

so this time

i want to tell you every untruth
and pray that when god hears them
will know that i changed

i have changed

so i lead
with the only honest thing that i can

hi my name is

i am my father's son
son of an addict
and just like his father
i am
powerless over my own addictions

i have died
more times that i would love to count

only to be resurrected as the same

i am afraid of mice
and frogs
and love

fearful that my truth
was never really truth in the first place

only lies
disguised as promises
i will no longer promise

i will no longer tie myself to my own falsehoods
i will no longer give you less than you deserve

i will give you truth
the truth

not my truth
packaged up for your consumption
with a bow and a prayer that it aligns with the stars

i am a star
but this time

i want you to see
that in my darkest moment
i shine

just as bright as i can

and i pray
that every night
at 12:30 AM

you still look up to the heavens
and see us

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