
the brooklyn moment... #thelightyears

remember the first time that i found happiness

my darkness
had cloaked itself in depression
and i had forgotten what promises looked like

so i
dodged sunlight like bram stokers dracula
moving in shadows
and fearful of my own reflection

this burden

seemed to live in me forever
my desires
were only quenched by my thirst for fast life
and women whom
i would forget by day break

they loved me for a moment
just enough to hate me forever

just enough to learn that i didn't love myself
but long enough to feel the claws of my depression scratching against their heartbeat

they love me
but i didn't know how to love them back

so i
fearfully crushed their innocence
and prayed someone else would be there to pick up the pieces

until she
she asked me about love
and if i still believed
she asked me about marriage
and if i would do it again
she asked me about heartbreak
and if it hurt forever

so i told her yes
and yes
and no

i told her that love
was like feeling the sun
laying kisses against your face
while the wind was
embracing your heartbeat

i told her that love
was the idea of risking it all
for someone who was willing to risk it with you

i told her that love
was abstract
and tangible
and distant
and close
and i had felt it
and touched it
and held it

and lost it

i told her that i lost love
and i lost me
and i lost moments that i would never get back

and she reminded me
of how i once felt
and she told me that she would help me find my way
and my heart

she reminded me of my innocence
and of my peace
and of my desire to be an example for her

she reminded me to love
without fear
the same way that i love her
the same way that god loves me

she reminded me
that a little child shall lead them

she reminded me that my heart beats for a reason

and loving her is one


Lauren said...
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Lauren said...


Lauren said...
