

amazing grace
how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
i once was lost
but now
i am found
found me
i wasnt hiding but we
were no longer we
she was she
and i
living a lie
racing toward being content in unhappiness
pretending to be in love
and she
came crashing back into my life
reminding me of us
asking if i cared
telling me where we
stopped being us
amazing grace
how sweet the sound
i loved to hear her hello
i hated her goodbye
i was possessed by her sound
captivated by her laugh
and she
was my daily

(?uiet da artist/copyright 2008)


u make me...

i said hello
as the phone disturbed my slumber
interrupting delicate thoughts that would later elude my memories
she was
on the other end
whispering words that caused me to strain for silence
"im up" i said as i wondered what importance was she holding
that made her think i should be awaken
she asked if i was alone
but she knew that i was
because that is how she left me
my mind still fighting to grasp reality
i asked
"what are you doing"
and before the words fell to the floor
she said
came home and couldnt control myself thoughts of us ran wild through my mind leaving me wanting what i had just let go so as i barely made it past the door i laid across the couch and
im touching myself
i began to imagine your hands removing the blouse you just helped me put on
but you moved too slow
so with the force of a goddess
i sent buttons flying across the room like pegasus
i pressed my back against couch cushions as if your weight lay against my chest
and i slid my fingers past my thighs
and then
i realized
i wanted you here
i needed you here
your voice excites me like prophetic preachers standing in the pulpits proclaiming the prophesy
your words tingle my soul
your aroma entices me
and i know that it isnt just lust with us
it is a much deeper emotion
and i
really, really, really, need you to
talk me though
guide my way
lead me to the path of passion
lay me down
restore my soul
help me sleep through the night

(?uiet da artist/copyright 2008)

no id

for her
there was no in between
it was either laughter or tears
happiness or pain
it was all or nothing
she made me feel like nothing
in a matter of days
no hours
no seconds
in a matter of seconds
we went from lovers and friends
thrown away like the first page of a poets thoughts
every idea was leading to a better idea
and she had no idea that i would hurt like this
but for her
there was no in between
it was all or nothing
must be
un-returned phone calls mean nothing
unanswered letters mean nothing
slow songs on radios about love lost mean nothing
it is as if we were nothing
we never existed
i never existed
a face with no name
familiar but only for the sake of familiarity
speeding through love
wanting to get away
hoping not to get stopped by those who need to see my heart
because my soul
no ID

(?uiet da artist/copyright 2008)


my hands chased her curves
like a police pursuit
through alleys and gutters
my mind was so gutter
she asked what i was thinking
but my mouth would never repeat what my mind was screaming
i could slightly see through the darkness
as she began to move closer
i allowed my hands to stop at her waist
my mind began to scream louder
as i walked through the decision of my night
i could
~slowly slide my hands under the softness of her shirt
~circling her stomach until she
~lifted her arms and allowed me to free her frame from captivity
~so exited about freedom i start
~kissing at her navel and make my way to that spot that
~makes her smile
~my eyes follow her eyes
~as she leads me to the the very place she wants me to kiss next
or i could
~run my fingers under her waistline
~until i can peel away the top button
~slowly moving the zipper down
~as i place my lips against her stomach
~and explore this new territory
~quickly her skirt falls to the floor
~revealing all the things that victoria considers a secret
her body is
and i try to play it cool
but you can see how anxious my eyes get
how excited my hands get
and how
looking at

(?uiet da artist/copyright 2008)