


to brokenhearted records on replay
covering my heart in each lyric
as if they were a shield for cupids arrow

to ever be shot again

this is war
and i have lost
far too many battles by letting my heart be vulnerable
good soldiers

know their own weakness
and refuse to let that
be the death of them
i died

if only for a moment
but in my resurrection
i vowed
to never die again
so now i

treat every situation as if it is disposable
take no chances
i keep
my heart in a glass case
behind a concrete wall
buried deep beneath my minds sensibilities

because i know

i know my own heart
cannot be trusted

it loves too easily
it falls too fast
it opens too quickly
without any warning
it breaks

so i
pick up the pieces
and wrap them
in brokenhearted lyrics
as i remind myself

that heartbreak is forever
and lonely
is the nightmare of soldiers who continue to let their heart be a target
i may have lost many battles to love
but i refuse

refuse to lose the war

(paulwroteit/copyright 2013)

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